The Gaskell Journal

The Gaskell Journal – Volume 34 (2020)

Anthony Burton and Diane Duffy
Elizabeth Gaskell and the Industrial Poor: How Did She Know About Them?

Elizabeth Ludlow
Working-Class Methodism and Eschatological Anxiety
in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Fiction

Francis O’Gorman
John Ruskin, via Elizabeth Gaskell, and the Working Classes

Christopher Harrington
Gaskell as Orpheus: The Tyrant Custom and the Trope of the Sulphured Beehive in North and South (1855)


Shirley Foster
M. Joan Chard, Victorian Pilgrimages: Sacred-Secular Dualism in the Novels of Charlotte Brontë, Elizabeth Gaskell, and George Eliot.

Carolyn Lambert
Melissa Schaub, Performativity in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Shorter Fiction: A Case Study in the Uses of Theory

Christie Harner
Dewey W. Hall and Jillmarie Murphy (eds), Gendered Ecologies:New Materialist Interpretations of Women Writers in the Long Nineteenth Century. 

Jessie Reeder
Chung-jen Chen, Victorian Contagion: Risk and Social Control in the Victorian Literary Imagination.