The Gaskell Journal

The Gaskell Journal – Volume 26 (2012)

Kerri E. Hunt
‘Nouns that were signs of things’: Object Lessons in Eliabeth Gaskell’s North and South

Mark Celeste
‘You say you want a Revolution’: Dialectical Soundscapes in Gaskell’s North and South

Beatrice Bazell
The ‘Atrocious’ Interior: Wallpaper, Machinery and 1850s Aesthetics in North and South

Maura Dunst
‘Speak on, desolate Mother!’: Elizabeth Gaskell’s Isolated (M)others

Peter Garratt
Death and Variations: North and South and the Work of Adaptation

Thomas Recchio
Elizabeth Gaskell as ‘A Dramatic Common’: Stanley Houghton’s appropriation of Mary Barton in Hindle Wakes

Chris Louttit
The Pleasures of the Return: Cranford, the Sequel