(Formerly the Gaskell Society Journal)
The online index, last updated January 2011, is in three parts:
The Subject Index contains topics (including novels, characters, historical movements and personages etc) that are discussed in the articles and reviews that appear in the journal. In this index, publications appear under their author(s), except in the case of anonymous works which appear under title, and Elizabeth Gaskell’s own publications, which also appear under their titles.
The Author Index contains the authors of articles and reviews appearing in the Journal.
The Book Review Index index details critical works and editions that are reviewed in the journal. Publications reviewed are listed under their author(s). New editions of Elizabeth Gaskell’s novels appear under their respective editors, and translations into other languages appear under Gaskell. The authors of the reviews appear in the Author Index.
In all cases, location references are to volume number – in bold – followed by the year and then by inclusive page numbers. Notes are indicated by ‘n’ or ‘nn’ after the page number. Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
A bound copy of the Gaskell Journal Index, volumes 1-30 (1987-2017) is now available from the Gaskell Society.