The Gaskell Journal seeks a new Reviews Editor.
As well as publishing peer-reviewed articles, this annually produced academic journal features 2-4 book reviews, of works focused on Elizabeth Gaskell but also on Victorian literature and culture more generally. The reviews editor’s role is to identify suitable books for review, contact publishers to request a complimentary review copy, and appoint appropriate reviewers. As well as engaging with our regular reviewers, this also involves making new contacts in relevant scholarly fields. The reviews editor must then keep in contact with the reviewer to ensure that the review is completed in good time, and meets house requirements, before forwarding it to the journal editors. This role might particularly appeal to research postgraduates or early career scholars in the field of Victorian studies, as a way to gain editorial experience and build academic contacts. Some familiarity with Gaskell’s works is an advantage. The successful candidate will shadow the outgoing reviews editor for the 2023 issue, before taking over fully for the 2024 edition.
Please send your 250-word statement of interest, with a 2-page CV, to Dr Rebecca Styler, and Dr Ben Moore, no later than Friday March 10th 2023 (please note extended deadline).